Silver Fishy Tale! Family Story Writing Competition
This year Macduff Marine Aquarium celebrates its 25th anniversary! 2022 is also Scotland’s Year of Stories so to celebrate our Silver anniversary and our rich culture we would like to invite your family to write us a Silver Fishy Tale! Closing date for the competition is Sunday 29th May at midnight and the winners will receive a Family pass to visit the aquarium and the opportunity to share their story as part of a live aquarium event if they wish.
This is a great opportunity for families to explore each other’s imagination and create a story about a marine animal, habitat or environmental issue. Our only stipulations are that the stories must have something to do with silver, a birthday or an anniversary or all three, not exceed 2000 words and be suitable for a family audience.
The story can be in any format of your choosing; written, recorded audio or video, illustrated or not, it is entirely up to you!
Work together with your family (of any description) to imagine what it would be like to live below the waves, go on an epic adventure to save the planet or find treasure. Whatever captures your imagination, we want you to share your stories with us. Let your thoughts and words paint the pictures or get creative and paint us an actual picture or act out the scenes that accompany your thoughts and words.
As this is a family competition the categories for judging will be based on broad themes, we hope to have at least 3 winners from categories such as most creative, best take home message and most epic tale.
We will choose our favourites, and these will be featured in a special storytelling session during a Silver Spray weekend event as part of our birthday and World Ocean Day celebrations on 11th and 12th of June.
In addition to presenting your story or having it read, we will also award the winner from each category a family pass to visit the aquarium on a date of your choosing.
Please email submissions to by midnight on Sunday 29th May.
Be sure to include your family’s names and ages.
Date for last entry will be midnight on the 29th of May.
For World Oceans Day 2022 there is a global movement to protect 30% of our oceans by 2030.
Head to for more information on how to ensure a healthy home for all!
‹ 2022