Virtual School Visit

Virtual School Visit

Any visit to Macduff Marine Aquarium is packed with fun and excitement - but if you are not able to travel, bring the aquarium into your classroom with a virtual aquarium experience…

You can set up a question and answer session with a Marine Master, a virtual touch pool session or have a short presentation on marine plastics. These sessions cost just £40.00 (+VAT) and can be adapted to fit with your class topic.

A typical virtual visit with the aquarium involves...

A 45 minute tailored, live and interactive virtual session with a Marine Master

Use of the platform of your choice (such as Teams or Google Meet)

Advice on technical support and a trial session to ensure your technology works

No limit to the number of participants for the session- the whole school can be involved if your technology allows.

Opportunities for children to pose their questions directly to our Marine Master and have them answered live and in real time

Contact us to discuss your class topic and what we can offer your class or wider school through a virtual session.

Available to book now!

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